Prof. Dr. Fernando Barbosa
Head of the Laboratory of Neuropsychophysiology at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Science of the University of Porto, having as main research interests the psychobiological bases of social decision making and its alterations, namely in association with antisocial behavior. (Co)Author of 3 books and about 150 scientific papers in specialized journals, mostly in the field of cognitive and affective neuroscience. COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) and Horizon Europe expert evaluator in the neuroscience field, as well as ad hoc evaluator for national funding agencies for science and technology of several countries. Founding member of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN) and President of the Portuguese Neuropsychological Society. Co-convener of the Standing Committee on Clinical Neuropsychology of the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA) and member of the provisional Specialty European Awarding Committee in Clinical Neuropsychology.